

Good news, everyone!

With the new update (which you are hereby encouraged to download and install) TNI is now capable of natively scanning FreeBSD-powered machines!

But that’s not all. Check out the full changelist:

  • BIG FEATUREFreeBSD support.
  • NewIn table report constructor: define sorting and custom titles for each column; also, fix columns so they will stay on screen while you scroll your table horizontally.
  • NewValidity check for serial numbers and asset tags (cleaner asset fields in the table reports and additional info in the network tree).
  • NewPossibility to Reset serial numbers via Reset  properties menu (Edit/Properties).

Another update goes live: TNI 2.0.1 (1088). Download it!

  • NewScanner mode guide.
  • NewProgress bar and last processed IP for discovering of IP ranges.
  • NewMany new asset fields for table reports.
  • NewPossibility to restore device type, virtual type and description for one or more assets.
  • NewOpen templates folder link on the Table reports sidebar for quick access to template files.
  • NewCollapse all/Expand all buttons for the groups in the network tree.
  • ImprovedThe “license limit exceeded” hint now shows the number of assets that are not displayed.
  • Also…Some minor fixes and improvements

Greetings from Donald Grizzly and the guys from Softinventive Lab.

First of all, we’d like to thank our users for all the feedback that we get. Most of it is very constructive, detailed and helpful, and it keeps us on track.

Recently we updated TNI to version 2.0.1 (1074). We’ve fixed a few bugs and implemented a couple of highly requested features. Here’s the list of some of the changes in the update:

  • New Import folder command that goes into subfolders and can create groups in storage to match the imported folder structure.
  • New Automatic import feature: pull data on

Once again, hi! This time I’ll demonstrate the matchless powers of the new network tree. We all like to have matchless powers, right?

The first of your new powers is called Displayed text. Click the  button and choose which piece of data all the assets will be represented by. If you don’t care for network names, you can choose to see IP addresses in their place. Or asset tags. Or user names. Or simply custom aliases. Also, you can use any of these values for additional text that will be printed out in blue on the right.

The second …

I’m back again to showcase the new scanner. Like most other things in TNI 2, it’s easy to use and quite self-explanatory, but has some potential that is not at all that obvious. But first things first.

It’s not a wizard anymore. Not a Wizard — I could write a song with this title! Over the years we’ve grown sick and tired of those omnipresent step-by-step wizards that make you follow some unnatural screenplay by an invisible screenwriter while cut off from the rest of the program’s features. Not anymore. It’s a single screen just like the rest of …