

And here is the update we promised:

  • NewTelnet protocol support (scanning of network devices running BusyBox via Telnet).
  • NewDetection of virtual machines running under KVM.
  • NewNew currencies in the currency list.
  • NewMS SQL Server 2014 detection support and 64-bit versions designation.
  • NewNew fields for MS Windows and MS Office: product name, description, and license status.
  • ImprovedComputers with multiple network interfaces are distinguished more correctly (to avoid duplication).
  • ImprovedAll instant search fields support search by phrase (space-separated words are searched in any order and on any positions).
  • ImprovedGUI improvements in the “Edit –

We haven’t been updating our Total Network Inventory user manual for a long time, now it’s time to fix this.

First of all, a new section dedicated to the professional version of TNI has been added. It describes how to operate the software and license management modules.

software asset management

The new section consists of four parts:

Software asset management

We admit that software accounting and license management isn’t the most trivial task for a corporate network. However, our team has tried to make the interface simple and friendly. We believe that our new user manual …

Greetings! Today we roll out another significant update:

  • NewVMware ESXi 5 and ESX/ESXi 4 scan support (via SSH).
  • NewDetection of VMware virtual machines on Windows.
  • NewNew types of physical devices (specific and generic hypervisors) and virtual machines.
  • NewNo tags filter in Software accounting.
  • ImprovedVisually redesigned user interface.
  • ImprovedUpdated low-level hardware scan driver.
  • ImprovedNew default settings for low-level hardware scan, for both maximum safety and accuracy of collected information.

ESX/ESXi support

We were getting this question a lot, so we implemented the feature: meet the support for scanning of VMware ESX 4 and ESXi …

When you rescan an asset that has already been scanned in the past, you probably want to get the most up-to-date information. And you also want to see what exactly has changed.

The latter used to be a rather tricky thing to do. But look!

  • BIG FEATUREChange log.

How it works

A quick reminder: every time you scan an asset, TNI creates a new snapshot of it and puts it in your storage. In the View details tab you switch between snapshots using a date/time box next to the asset name:


In Options / Scanner you can …

Hello! Today there’s a little update with stability fixes and improvements.

  • NewDetection of database servers (see “Databases” section): MS SQL Server (including edition), MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle Database, Firebird.
  • NewPossibility to convert non-scanned assets to custom assets.
  • NewDetection of Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 in the storage assistants and group summary.
  • ImprovedConvenient license upgrade and renewal (in-program license selection and direct forwarding to the order process).
  • ImprovedLinux agent: SMART information, RAID array disks information, CPU clock speed detection.
  • ImprovedMac agent stability.
  • FixedDashes instead of computer names in Software accounting.
    IMPORTANT: to remove

We’re delighted to announce that Total Network Inventory 3 is available today.

TNI 3 is a major update we’ve been working on for quite some time. It’s packed with great stuff.

  • BIG FEATURESoftware Asset Management module.
  • BIG FEATURENew hardware scanning technology: collected data is now far more detailed and more accurate.
  • + lots of less noticeable improvements and bugfixes

Software Asset Manager (SAM)

You may have heard a word or two from us about this one.

Software browser

We’ve brought the Software accounting feature in TNI to the whole new level. You won’t find anything like this in other …